Accepting clients

Therapy Services


The therapy services department of The Freedom Center operates from the belief that hope is real, love is deserving, and healing can happen.

Hope is the foundation that change, and transformation must be built upon. If we don’t believe in ourselves or in our future or in the fact things can change, then things most certainly will not change. Hope is essential and is very real.

Love is the glue that holds everything together. Without love, we have and are nothing. Every individual on planet earth is deserving of love and a sense of belonging. When we feel unloved or simply question our ability to be loved, things begin to fall apart. Love holds us together, as individuals and as a society.

Healing is being fully restored back to who we’re meant to be and overcoming what stands in the way of that. When unresolved trauma, loss, betrayal, pain, and broken-down relationships cloud our vision of who we are, healing can seem unattainable; we assimilate to a different normal. When we believe in ourselves and feel empowered by love, healing can happen.


Therapy at The Freedom Center is trauma-informed and client-focused. We believe healing is possible and we want to walk with you through whatever is keeping you from that healing. So much of the time we are told or come to believe that we have to learn to live and cope with the burdens we carry. Unresolved trauma is at the core of most mental health issues and symptoms experienced by individuals. When we experience trauma, our brain does its best to shield us and move forward, however the effects of trauma do not simply go away with time; they must be acknowledged, processed, remembered and healed from. When we find healing and undo the mindset that “this is just how things are; I’m okay, other people have it worse,” our mind creates the capacity to implement real change.

Our heart is to simply provide space for healing – emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We are a Christian, faith-based organization. All our therapists are Christians and have a close relationship with Jesus, however, we do not hold an agenda of pushing our values or faith onto you. We honor you and are here to walk with you through whatever it is you feel you need to walk through.  We hold the principle of being client-focused, meaning we honor who you are, where you’re from, and the desires of your heart.

Who We Serve

We take clients from all walks of life: individuals, couples, families, children, teens, young adults. We do not specialize in any one specific area other than the overarching influence unresolved trauma has on our lives.

Common areas of therapeutic focus may include: addiction, recovery, childhood trauma, physical & sexual abuse, sexual assault, couples counseling, pre-marital counseling, marriage counseling, divorce counseling, foster care & adoption, family counseling, anxiety, depression, dysregulated sleep, and many others.

Another principle that we hold is that nobody will be turned away based on their ability to pay for services. With that being said, we do not offer free therapy. If you feel you cannot afford the fee for sessions, we have a financial form and a process we will complete with you.