Our Team

  • Liz Cooper, MA, LMFT, CCTP | Executive Director & Therapist

    Liz has a passion to connect people with the heart of God and His love for them. Liz has experience in working with clients through past trauma, childhood experiences, and finding healing from strong, difficult emotions such as depression & anxiety.


  • Deana Andrew | Hub of Hope Director

    Deana Andrew | Hub of Hope Director

    Deana is a lifelong resident of Jefferson County with a passion to help those who suffer with suicidal ideation or thoughts. She was awarded the 2023 Mental Health of America Consumer Advocate Award and has completed many certifications.

    As Hub of Hope Director, and a QPR Gatekeeper Instructor, it is Deana’s aspiration to coach, train, and cultivate a culture of helping others before they are in suicide crisis. Together we can break the stigma and offer hope.


  • Photo of Emily, Director of Operations

    Emily Applegate | Director of Operations

    Emily has such joy seeing the impact The Freedom Center is providing to our community. She is passionate about people experiencing the peace and love of Christ. She loves having the opportunity to serve as a staff member at The Freedom Center by working behind the scenes with the day-to-day operations.


  • Christine Lawhorn, MA, CADA II

    Christine Lawhorn, MA, CADAC II | Therapist

    Christine's passion is to help others know God through seeking a personal relationship with Jesus, find freedom from their past, and to help them discover purpose in their lives. Prior to coming to The Freedom Center as a therapist, I specialized in substance abuse counseling and facilitated groups both in person and online.


  • Natasha Leahigh, MA, LMHCA

    Natasha Leahigh, MA, LMHCA | Therapist

  • Katie MacPhee | Fundraising Coordinator & Social Media Manager

    With a heart for Jesus and a love for people, Katie brings a compassionate approach to her role, striving to connect donors with meaningful opportunities to make a difference.

    Originally from Oklahoma, Katie attended Oral Roberts University, where she cultivated her commitment to service and community. After moving to Indiana, she and her husband embraced their calling as youth pastors, dedicating their time to inspire and mentor the next generation.

    Katie enjoys exploring new ways to engage with her community, sharing her faith, and spending quality time with family and friends.


  • Mark Cooper | Worship Leader & Brand Manager

    Mark has worked as a graphic designer since 2017, and has worshiped God through music and art in different capacities since he was a teenager. His passion is for people to experience the joy of living as children of God while honoring Him in every area of life.

    He runs his own design business called Vine & Branch, enjoys painting, drawing, drumming, and spending time with Liz and their two daughters, Berkley and Haddie.



Want to get involved?

We welcome volunteers to help with a range of needs for both Therapy Services and the Worship & Prayer Room. Fill out the volunteer form to let us know where you would like to serve.